Monday, March 19, 2012

FITC Amsterdam 2012 - HTML5: Life in the trenches

This is a short recap of a presentation made during FITC Amsterdam 2012. Kudos for the presentation content goes to the presenter. Please use the resource links at the end of this post to get more information from the source.

Grant Skinner, owner of, is an internationally recognized leader in the field of rich interactive experiences. After 10 years of Flash development, he and his team has spent the past 2 years trying to deliver similar experiences with HTML5. Grant gave a really interesting presentation about his experiences with HTML5 over these past years and an overview of a set of tools and libraries that he and his team have produced during that time to help ease the development process.

So why should you as a developer care about HTLM5?

  • Opportunity, there is a big hype around it and now is the time to catch the HTML5 wave
  • Reach, you will have a big reach and the perception is growing rapidly
  • Experience, you can leverage your Flash skills to build rich internet experiences using HTML5
  • Challenge, HTML5 is still in an early stage and still has many problems, you get to take part in solving these problems, and as a developer, solving problems is what we do best.

So what issues do we still have with HTML5?

  • There are still inconsistencies between browsers.
  • There is a constant flow of new specifications for HTML5 and it can be tricky to keep up with all of them, for developers and for browser providers.
  • Performance is still a bit behind but it is improving a lot with hardware acceleration etc.

Some of the new API:s in the HTML5 world are:

  • WebGL, a graphics library for the HTML5 canvas.
  • WebAudio, audio library for use with canvas and WebGL.
  • WebSockets, a new communication API for web server and browser communication.
  • CSS Shaders, an advanced addition to filter effects proposed by Adobe.
  • ... and more ... recenlty launched - an audio experiment that makes use of a lot of these new APIs pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished with modern browser technologies. Definitely worth a visit.

Grant continued his presentation with an overview of a set of open source libraries and tools that he and his team created to simplify development targeting HTML5. Create JS, available at, is a set of libraries designed to be approachable, modular, extensible and open and has the following ingredients:

  • EaselJS – A flash like API for working with the HTML5 canvas element. Features a hierarchical display list, DisplayObject's (Text, Container, Stage etc), a Ticker for controlling the progress over time and much more.
  • TweenJS – A javascript library for tweens and animations. Uses javascript chaining and features synched timelines, easing, sequencing, overriding, plugins etc.
  • SoundJS – Web audio library focusing on usability, features pluggable target APIs, progressive enhancement etc.
  • PreloadJS – Library for managing and co-ordinating loading of assets with instantiable load queues, smotthed progress, multiple connections, uses XmlHttpRequest version 2.
All of these libraries are, or will be, open sourced and can be downloaded from

Apart from libraries, to get a better development experience when targeting HTML5, you need good tools. The ones shown by Grant Skinner were focusing on sprite sheet creation and animation:

  • Flash CS6, Grant has been working with Adobe to be able to export sprite sheets from Flash CS6 targeting easelJS.
  • Zoe, an open source tool from the CreateJS family for creating sprite sheets from SWF:s with scriptable animation etc.

A few things that Grant Skinner and the team are currently working on:

  • Multi-surface targeting, rendering easelJS code to different rendering environmens, like canvas 2D, WebGL, SVG or even directly to the dom tree.
  • EaselJS for NodeJS, render images on the server using client side code.

Grant finished his presentation with a few resources crucial to anyone who works, or would like to start working, with JavaScript:

  • – The closest thing you can find to an online API reference for JavaScript.
  • – Lists browser support for various old and new HTML5 specifications.
  • – If you really want to dig into the formal core specifications of any HTML5 and CSS3 feature.

This was another great presentation by Grant Skinner, you can always see that he is very passionate about his work. He and his team are developing some really nice stuff that will prove very useful to any JavaScript developer in general, and will provide a smooth transition for the ones coming over from the Flash world in particular. And they are open sourcing all of it so that it can be leveraged and further improved by the community. That's the spirit!


Monday, March 12, 2012

FITC Amsterdam 2012: Open web technologies as an alternative to plugins

This is a short recap of a presentation made during FITC Amsterdam 2012. Kudos for the presentation content goes to the presenter. Please use the resource links at the end of this post to get more information from the source.

Michal Budzynski, a web game developer from Poland, shared some of his HTML5 come backs to typical doubts about HTML5 related technologies coming from Flash developers. Since Michal is not a Flash developer himself he had to ask some of his Flash developer friends about why they still preferred Flash over HTML5. These are some of their most usual reasons for favoring Flash coupled with plausible HTML5 alternatives suggested by Michal.

Flash developer: With Flash you can access the users camera.
Michal: HTML5 has the getUserMedia API.

Flash Developer: Flash can go full screen
Michal: With HTML5 you can call requestFullScreen on any page element

Flash developer: Flash can create desktop apps
Michal: You can also do that using XUL

Flash developer: There are Flash debugging tools
Michal: There are similar tools in browsers, firebug in Firefox, developer tools in Chrome, Venkman javascript debugger in FireFox (

Flash developer: You can create P2P with Flash
Michal: You can use Web Sockets, Easy Web Sockets or upcoming WebRTC

Flash developer: For Flash there are services like Mochimedia and Kongregate for integrating with social media etc.
Michal: Similar services are starting to surface also on the HTML side, like bluevia.

Flash developer: Flash has DRM
Michal: Google are working on specs to secure web content. The open web community takes pride in staying open.

Flash developer: Flash has decent development tools
Michal: There are good alternatives for HTML5;,, gordon/shumway and bikeshed.

All in all another one of those Flash vs HTML5 presentations. On several of the points mentioned above Flash is still ahead, HTML5 is catching up but there is still some time until new specifications turn into stable technologies with decent browser support. What I mostly take with me from this presentation is a few of the useful resources mentioned for HTML5 development, like the cloud9 IDE and the Venkman JavaScript debugger.


FITC Amsterdam 2012: Getting acquainted with jQuery

I believe I promised to post some recaps of the presentations I attended during my visit to FITC Amsterdam the other week. This is the first one, stay tuned for more.

This is a short recap of a presentation made during FITC Amsterdam 2012. Kudos for the presentation content goes to the presenter. Please use the resource links at the end of this post to get more information from the source.

Matt Fisher made a simple but useful introduction to jQuery. For anyone who hasn't used jQuery in a project before, like myself, this was a nice presentation for getting acquainted with the framework. This is what I got out of it.

jQuery is a JavaScript framework for boosting productivity for any JavaScript developer. It was first created by John Resig in 2004 and has been developed and improved since then. Current version is 1.7.1 and its main advantage over the widely used and stable version 1.6 is all about performance improvements.

jQuery is light-weight, widely used and accepted and should, according to Matt, be an integral component in the toolbox of any serious web developer.

The jQuery framework consists of the following parts:

  • jQuery core – The core APIs provided by of the jQuery framework
  • jQuery UI – provides useful user interface components like tree navigators and grids
  • jQuery mobile – a relatively new addition to the jQuery family for supporting development for mobile
  • Qunit – A unit test framework to use for java script development
  • Sizzle – The selector engine for locating elements in the dom tree of an html page
...and its functionality can be divided into the following main areas of use:
  • Modify CSS
  • Alter HTML
  • Respond to user interaction
  • Animate elements
  • Retrieve information from external resources

Short examples on each of the aforementioned functionalities are available from Matt Fisher's blog.

Matt also made a strong point about the licensing of jQuery and many other open source libraries out there. jQuery adheres to the MIT Licence and all you basically have to do to freely start using the framework is to keep that copyright notice at the top of the source files. If you remove the copyright notice or start copying and pasting parts of the framework and passing it off as your own you are violating the license and by doing that you are basically breaking the law. Perhaps that goes without saying but it was clear from the reaction of the audience that many of the present developers had been doing just that.

I asked Matt about the development environment that he would suggest for starting to work with jQuery or javascript and HTML development in general. As he had grown accustomed to using eclipse based development environments he recommended Aptana Studio. That description also applies to myself so I'll be checking it out.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

FITC Amsterdam 2012: All about HTML5

There has been a while since my last blog post here. A lot of things have been going on in my life since then, I got a little kid, moved back to Sweden after several years abroad and I moved into a new apartment in Malmo. Finally things have settled a bit and I have been able to find some time to produce more content for the blog between remote working, diaper changing and home styling.

It's been about a year since I first started this blog with a visit report from FITC Amsterdam 2011. I was there again this year and this is what I got out of it.

Last years conference was mostly about the Flash vs HTML5 debacle. At that point HTML5 was still very new, browser support was bad, performance even worse and for application development Flex and Flash still seemed like the better choice.

A lot of things has happened over the past year and HTML5 has gained significant grounds in terms of technology advancements and general acceptance during that period. At the same time the uncertainties surrounding the Flash platform over the past few months have made decision makers more reluctant to choose Flex for their next project and are opting for HTML5 solutions.

This was also reflected in the program of this years conference. The vast majority of the technology related presentations were all focusing on HTML5. Even the keynote presentation by Adobe was all about what they are doing in the HTML5 field and you could see an evident change of focus and strategy from this big player in both fields.

So does this all mean that Flash is dead? Not necessarily. The message from Adobe is that the future of the Flash platform will be focussed on advanced gaming and premium video. The idea behind it being to not try to do everything and support every use case, but focus on one or a few main areas, and do them really well.

So for me as a developer using Flex, what is the way forward? Well I guess whenever you are presented with a new project it is still a question of choosing the right technology for the job. For a decently sized enterprise application project I would probably still go with Flex. Even if most of the things that you can do in Flex can now be accomplished with HTML5 related technologies HTML5 still has a long way to go in terms of development experience, tooling and browser support.

I would also keep an eye on what the community can do for the future of Flex now that it has been donated to the Apache foundation as an open source project. Maybe at some point we could even have a decent Flex to HTML5 compiler with a few tweaks in the language specification. The conference made me start thinking and I'll try to gather my thoughts on the future of Flex in a later blog post.

I had a great time at this years FITC Amsterdam, as did I last year. Interesting and relevant presentations, inspiring atmosphere and some very cool people. Add some free beers to the mix and you have a great event right there. I will definitely try to return again next year.

Stay tuned: Over the coming days I'll be publishing short recaps of the various presentations I attended during the conference, it will be almost as if you had been there yourself;